invincible 167 million Pakistani’s progressing forward with high hopes
and a mission holding an unquenchable thirst to be the world leader’s
World's 9th Largest English Speaking Country
World 7th largest Pool of Scientists and Engineer
7th largest Standing Arm Force in the World
MM ALAM has a world record of shoting down 5 Indian planes in less than a Minute
7th nuclear power of the world
Asia's Highest Railway Station "Kan Mehtarzai "
Gawader: World's Largest Deep Sea Port
K2 the 2nd highest mountain peak in the World
Karakoram Highway World's highest paved international Road
Khewra Salt Mine: Second Largest Salt Mine in the World
One of the oldest Civilization Known today
Nanga Parbat 9th Highest Peak in the World
Shundur Polo festival at the World's highest Polo ground
Only Muslim nation to build her own JET fighter!
#Pakistan #Islamabad #SouthAsia #TourismPakistan #Tourism